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Friday, October 25, 2024


We already know the quality of French wines.

Villeboise is unique and you can see below why!

Importers here you can fin the best Sauvignon  Blanc!
VILLEBOIS – the entrance
Intervie of Mr. Joost  de  Willebois  –  Manager  Director – Villebois for AsiaImportNews – Exclusive


Could  you  please  tell  us  the  story  of  your  winery,  when  it  was  created  and   how  it  developped  decades  after  decades  ?

Villebois  Wines  was  founded  on  a  common  ground  of  passion  and  vision.  The  true   passion  for  authentic  Sauvignon  Blanc  wines  from  the  Loire  region,  and  the  vision  to   produce  these  distinguished  wines  using  the  latest  techniques  and  technologies.   Combined,  these  values  have  led  to  the  creation  of  an  outstanding  range  of  Sauvignon   Blanc  wines,  each  of  which  is  recognised  internationally  for  its  high  quality.   It  all  started  in  2004,  when  Joost  de  Willebois  spotted  a  small,  local  winery  in  the   Touraine  region.  The  owner  at  the  time  established  himself  with  a  long  tradition  of   producing  the  finest  local  Sauvignon  Blanc  wine,  however  he  lacked  a  successor.  Joost   recognised  this  as  a  golden  opportunity  to  transform  the  small  winery  into  a  wider   producer  of  quality  Sauvignon  Blanc  wines  from  the  broader  Loire  region.


What  sort  of  wines  are  you  producing  ?

We  are  specialized  in  crafting   unique  Sauvignon  Blancs  from  the  Loire  Valley,  France

Villeboise – Wine Sauvignon Blancs

How  important  are  your  export  distribution  compared  to  national   distribution  ?

Export  distribution  is  extremely  important  to  us


What  sort  of  distributors  are  your  customers  ?

We  invite  all  distributors


Why  your  wines  are  different  from  other  wineries  in  your  area  ?

We  are  specializing  in  producing  different  styles  of  Sauvignon  Blanc  wines   making  excuiste  use  of  the  unique  terroirs  of  the  Loire  Valley.    from  Touraine  to   Sancerre  and  Pouilly  Fumé.  A  priceless  territory.


 Do  you  produce  grapes  in  a  organic  or  environmental  friendly  method,  or   with  general  methods  ?

We  hold  sustainable  production  high  in  our  values.  This  means:   Rain  water  is  held  and  reused   We  restrict  our  use  of  fossil  fuels   The  reduction  of  insecticides.


Are  your  wines  already  distributed  in  Asia,  and  if  not  what  are  the  countries   you  are  looking  for  new  distributors  ?

We are always keen to find new markets throughout Asia.
Is  there  anything  who  want  to  add  about  your  wines,  story  or  any  news  ?

We  were  awarded  a  platinum  medal  at  Decanter  World  Wine  Awards    2016  for  our   Sancerre  2015  !

Villeboise – Platinum Medal    2015

Thank you Mr. Joost  de  Willebois – Manager  Director  – Villebois for your time and answers!www.villebois.eu
For Importers:

Villeboise:  www.villebois.eu  

Don’t miss this Wines!
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