We’re in love with their White Wines.
The Biggest and The Best Albariño Vineyard in Spain
Importers looking for good wines to put in Restaurants and Supermarkets this is your winery.

Interview of Marcos Barros – Managing Director – Maior de Mendoza for AsiaImportNews – Exclusive
Could you please tell us the story of your winery, when it was created and how it developped decades after decades ?
We are a family type company.We started in the 1970s to produce Albariño grape,planting the biggest Albariño vineyard in Spain,when the appelation wasn´t even created.Nowadays this is one of the jewels of the appelation.Over that base our project has been constantly growing, in size as a company and in the quality of our brands,that are represented in 21 countries. To be considered as one of the best albariño producers, for many wine critics and contests,Top 100 Wine Spectator,Best albariño ratings Decanter,Best spanish white wine International wine Challenge.Top 14 of the world Concourse Mondial Bruxelles
What sort of wines are you producing ?
High quality white wines.From very fresh,intense and fruity styles to complex and aged wines. Albariño has conquered the world in the last two decades,for being very versatile and a real alternative to chardonnay or Sauvignon blanc. Nowadays, almost every importer worldwide has an Albariño wine, or is thinking about adding it to the portfolio.

How important are your export distribution compared to national distribution ?
50% each.
What sort of distributors are your customers ?
Usually specialised in quality wines, looking for good quality/price relationships,with background selling spanish wines as Rioja or Ribera del Duero and looking for the best Spanish white variety,as Albariño is considered by most wine specialists.
Why your wines are different from other wineries in your area ?
First for the age of our vines,the oldest in the area.Secondly for the type of elaborations,we were pioneers in the area with wines on lees,that are famous now,as Maior de Mendoza,also with dry ice macerations,semi dry wines and aged Albariños,we have wines from 2005,2006,2007..,receiving 95,96 points by some of the most recognised wine journalists.
Do you produce grapes in a organic or environmental friendly method, or with general mathods ?
Our area its quite rainy and with mild temperatures, an average of 14º centigrades.This combination of humidity and high temperatures a great part of the year,makes quite imposible to be organic.However we are in the closest step, beeing enviromental frindly ,through integrated production systems,that guarrantee no ecological damage is created and through hand labour,using the traditional ways of growing vines, for a very precise type of vityculture.

Are your wines already distributed in Asia, and if not what are the countries you are looking for new distributors ?
Yes in some countries,but we still have a lot to do we are looking for distribution in Mainland China,Taiwan,South Korea,Singapour,Thailand,Malaysia,Filipines.
Is there anything you want to add about your wines, story or any news ?
Just thanking you for giving me the opportunity to talk about this beautiful grape, that we love,take care and that its part of our life and culture.
Thank you Mr.Marcos Barros – Managing Director – Maior de Mendoza for your time and answers !
To all importers
Maior de Mendoza http://en.maiordemendoza.com/
The Best Albariño you will ever find!